Silence the Roars Print and Love Letter


I love the lion symbolism in the bible.  This month's letter is about how the Lord fights for us and how we can fight for ourselves using our words.  It's something I have to do on a daily basis.  Even as a little girl I combated anxiety and depression.  The bible gives us the tools to overcome. I hope this letter blesses your heart.  Keep it or share it with someone you know who NEEDS it!  And we all need it don't we?  I don't think a single one of us is perfect in our thinking...confident always in who we are.  But we have a Lion fighting for us.  A real force to be reckoned with.  Be reminded!!


This listing is for a 5x5 art card (painted by Maggie Strahle @audaciousdaughter) with an envelope and love letter entitled "Fighting Words".

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